There are a number of minor changes to the standard Squeak image to support the iPhone/iPod Touch. The VM is altered to expose Touch events as complex event types. This work is done in the VM, but requires a change to the VM code to enable the event to come up from the primitiveNextEvent, unless you are building a VM you do NOT NEED this change set. The other change is to EventSensor to enable you to read the acceleration, location, and mutl-touch events. Both change sets are found via MC Touch Events: Please note it only deals with one finger, and there are some bugs in the 2.0x iPhone software which result in bogus events Please review the Smalltalk code to understand the implications. Also untested yet is the "self error" we throw when a touch down is cancelled as a result of an incoming phone call. Pharo users The Pharo code alters InputEventSensor and EventSensor Using VNC Use the RFB package from %%(language-ref) MCHttpRepository location: '' user: '' password: '' %% The Objective-C bridge is found at