Wiki source for ioSeconds
======**sqInt ioSeconds(void)**======
**Parms**: NONE
**return**: seconds
**From**: Interpreter
return number of seconds since January 1, 1901 as an integer
sqInt primitiveSecondsClock(void)
Uses unix code
uses unix code
int ioSeconds(void) {
time_t unixTime;
unixTime = time(0);
unixTime += localtime(&unixTime)->tm_gmtoff;
/* Squeak epoch is Jan 1, 1901. Unix epoch is Jan 1, 1970: 17 leap years
and 52 non-leap years later than Squeak. */
return unixTime + ((52*365UL + 17*366UL) * 24*60*60UL);
GetLocalTime(&sysTime), then convert to squeak epoch
And when do 32bits overflow?
**Parms**: NONE
**return**: seconds
**From**: Interpreter
return number of seconds since January 1, 1901 as an integer
sqInt primitiveSecondsClock(void)
Uses unix code
uses unix code
int ioSeconds(void) {
time_t unixTime;
unixTime = time(0);
unixTime += localtime(&unixTime)->tm_gmtoff;
/* Squeak epoch is Jan 1, 1901. Unix epoch is Jan 1, 1970: 17 leap years
and 52 non-leap years later than Squeak. */
return unixTime + ((52*365UL + 17*366UL) * 24*60*60UL);
GetLocalTime(&sysTime), then convert to squeak epoch
And when do 32bits overflow?