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======**sqInt clipboardWriteFromAt(sqInt count, sqInt byteArrayIndex, sqInt startIndex)**======

count number of bytes to write
byteArrayIndex oops data, address of start of data
startIndex offset to start write from
**return**: NONE, fake return of zero
**From**: Interpreter

clear the scrap, and write out byteArrayIndex+ startIndex bytes for the given count.

[[NSString alloc] initWithBytes: byteArrayIndex length:(NSUInteger)count encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding];

[[NSString alloc] initWithBytes: byteArrayIndex length:(NSUInteger)count encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding];

copy the data to the x11 clipboard

lots of work, first figure out how many lone CRs we have versus CRLF, then insert extra LF
then assume we've a valid UTF8 and convert it to unicode then clear existing clipboard and toss our bytes onto it.

startIndex is always zero, why have it?
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