Revision [346]
This is an old revision of HomePage made by JohnMcIntosh on 2009-05-14 20:42:32.

Home of the iPhone/Touch port of Squeak

iSqueak: Squeak for (i)Touch Devices (Squeak)
wins 3rd Place in the ESUG Innovation Awards
Here's a video of iSqueak in action
Here's a audio track discussing the iSqueak development
- VM Source Repository
- Mailing List
- Downloads
- Getting and Installing the AdHoc VM
- Change Sets for Squeak
- Objective C Bridge
- VM API Documentation
- WikiServer, a Pier based Wiki Server for the iPhone, pending approval
- Pier Smalltalk-80 source book for the iPhone, available now
- Squeak Smalltalk-80 source book for the iPhone, available now