Revision history for sqGetFilenameFromString
See iPhone but we also subclass to resolve os-9 alias files with some code via
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Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
BUGS possible buffer overflow because length is implied to be 1000 and not guarded by caller.
BUGS calls just assume it works, but it could fail if name with null > 1000 or if encoding/decoding fails.
BUGS calls just assume it works, but it could fail if name with null > 1000 or if encoding/decoding fails.
Ignore alias flag, just copy the file name into the target buffer.
No translation occurs.
? Unclear if the file name path has to be translated, or is it translated at each point where it is used by the operating system api?
No translation occurs.
? Unclear if the file name path has to be translated, or is it translated at each point where it is used by the operating system api?
not the target.
sqFileOpen does call with true to resolve the alias because we want to open the target of the alias file, not the alias file.
Note that on unix opening a symbolic link would open the target of the symbolic link, but on os-9/os-x opening an alias file does not imply opening the target of the alias file.
sqFileOpen does call with true to resolve the alias because we want to open the target of the alias file, not the alias file.
Note that on unix opening a symbolic link would open the target of the symbolic link, but on os-9/os-x opening an alias file does not imply opening the target of the alias file.
Note that on unix opening a symbolic link would open the target of the symbolic link, but on os-9/os-x see the comments below about what an os-9 alias file is.