Revision history for sqImageFile

Revision [436]

Last edited on 2010-09-12 22:53:55 by JohnMcIntosh
Post Oct 2008 we mmap Copy On Write the image file into memory with an anonymous set of pages for young space trailing that mmap and do not call sqImageFileOpen. This was backed out because of os-x Virtual Memory node mapper versus NFS driver issues.
See iPhone
Post Oct 2008 we mmap Copy On Write the image file into memory with an anonymous set of pages for young space trailing that mmap and do not call sqImageFileOpen

Revision [248]

Edited on 2008-10-18 01:49:30 by JohnMcIntosh
Each seem to use the ansi calls
Each seem to use the ansi calls

Revision [247]

Edited on 2008-10-18 01:48:38 by JohnMcIntosh

No Differences

Revision [246]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2008-10-18 01:48:25 by JohnMcIntosh
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