Revision history for DummyProxy

Revision [381]

Last edited on 2009-09-22 20:37:53 by JohnMcIntosh
A DummyClassForTextData may point to
text an NSString* for the UILabel text
placeHolder an NSString* for the UILabel placeHolder
cell the UIView object
DummyClassForUISlider may point to
sliderValue the slider value
cell the UIView object
The methods
setNeedsDisplay to send the setNeedsDisplay message to cell on the main thread no wait.
setTextAndPassThru:setNeedsDisplay: to set the text for the text property and pass that data to the cell.text, also the optional send of setNeedsDisplay
setPlaceHolderAndPassThru:setNeedsDisplay: to set the text for the placeHolder property, on the main thread, no wait.
getText to get the text
For the slider you have
setNeedsDisplay to send the setNeedsDisplay message to cell on the main thread no wait.
setValue:animated:setNeedsDisplay: to set the value and do the optional setNeedsDisplay logic on the main thread, no wait.
sliderValue to get the slider value
In future I'll provide a solution to allow you to get the slider value and text/placeHolder data from the cell object on the background
thread. This requires a bit more work since we need to use a Smalltalk external semaphore to make the VM wait until the NSInvocation populates
the instance's property variable.

Revision [380]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2009-09-22 20:28:22 by JohnMcIntosh
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